Friday, February 12, 2016

Methodological skepticism

Skepticism can be described simply as the claim that we do not have knowledge. Rene Descartes, a well known French Philosopher who lived during 1650's believed in certainty. His method of finding certainty was known as methodological skepticism. In my point of view, skepticism is the way people believe in something. It could be either believing in Science, Religion or believing in both. I think we follow our own believes  in our daily lives until it becomes impossible to believe them. For example most of us believed that kids were gifts from god, when we were kids. But as we grows up we learned that it is crucial for two individuals of opposite sex to have a sexual affair to have a kid. Although even after learning that some people are tend to not believe in that whole sexual intercourse procedure  due to their religious beliefs. So it's just the way we chose to believe in something, not exactly what it is. So methodological skepticism is neither  a good strategy nor a bad strategy since its a matter of different perspectives.  

1 comment:

  1. Good, clear post. It's important to distinguish skepticism from methodological skepticism. As you say, Descartes regards the latter as a method to reach certainty
