Friday, April 22, 2016

Civil disobediance

I believe it is fair to break the law as long as it doesn't improve any condition of the public or if it makes the matters worse for people. I would define an unjust law as a law which is not culturally or universally accepted. According to my point of view, if the government acting ignorant and careless, civil disobedience is the only choice. For instance, the cause for Mahatma Gandhi's salt march was to boycott the heavy tax imposed on salt, which was crucial for typical Indian meals. A group of workers who doesn't agree with a product manufacturer  and starts a sit- in in front of the company  could be described as an act of civil disobedience.As a whole I agree with the statement "an unjust law is no law at all".    

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Mill Vs. Marx

In my point of view, I agree with Mill . Mill argues that unless you aren't being forced to do something by state, you are free. If you aren't being forced by the state or the government, you can be free. In the current society we are supposed to follow and obey rules. If we go against the rules we going to get punished. Since we know we going to get in trouble if we didn't follow rules, we are adjusted to follow rules. This is just like the lion in the circus. The lion climbs and sit on the chair since it is scared of the whip. Even though in a society without rules we could be free, I think without rules the society will be more corrupted and full of chaos. So I agree with Mill.  

Friday, April 1, 2016

Teachings in Buddhism

According to Buddhism the only way to get rid of suffering is to get rid of your own desires. I found this idea contradictory, even though I am a follower of Buddhism myself. In my point of view it is impossible to get rid of one's desires completely.It is part of human nature to provide satisfaction for the five senses constantly. For instance, if you go to a coffee shop with your friends there is a higher possibility you going to buy a drink for yourself even though you are not really thirsty. It is part of providing satisfaction to your tongue after your eyes catches the mouth watering, colorful and refreshing beverages in the coffee shop. It doesn't matter how full your stomach is; your mind is fooled by the refreshing looks of the different beverages. In my point of view, it doesn't matter where you are in United States or in another country, it is impossible to completely get rid of your desires due to the the constant satisfaction of sensory organs of human kind.