Friday, March 25, 2016

Cosmological and design theory

 Religion is a combination of beliefs and other teachings and it's not something that we can see physically. Faith is a major component in any religion. Faith is something people chose to believe in order to achieve something or to improve their lives. In my opinion I don't think Philosophy plays a role in Faith. Faith is just a choice not an option.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Human Vs. Artificial Intelligence

John Searle said that computers are not really intelligent.Rather they just simulate intelligence. Just like computers human brains are programmed to survive in the society. I agree with Searle but also disagree at the same time. There is a certain acceptable, "programmed" way humans have to behave in the society. A computer is assembled in such a way to read commands and ease up our work. Human brain  is made up in a way for involuntary activities such as  recognize a physical threat, respond and even voluntary activities like tying a shoelace.Even though the computer can help us in numerous ways, it still can not be compared to human brain since human brain is more advanced than a machine. Nevertheless in some occasions like when creating a bar graph a computer can overpower human brains by creating the bar graph within a few seconds, while if we did it with our brain it could take about 20 minutes with all the accurate measurements.    

Sunday, March 6, 2016


I agree with Descartes on Dualism. Mind is like a powerful weapon where we express and digests our feelings and expressions while body is used to express physical expressions. Mind and body cannot be separated since without mind the body can't express anything. Without the mind body is just lifeless.